Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another Moment...Another Day

Everybody seems to be going through loss right now... Those poor families in Connecticut (Our Prayers are with you); The people in Portland, Or going Christmas shopping @ the mall... I'm sure there are plenty others as well. My heart still aches for my loss... I can't imagine how anyone else is handling there loss of a friend, parents, sibling, child... etc... No one will ever understand someone else's grief... Everyone's is unique & everyone handles it differently... I'm still reeling from mine...It passes from moment to moment... I try to live & enjoy every positive thing that I get to experience...but I can't help but think about Tiffany every time... I know my blog is about music & there is a song at the end of the post...there always will be... That's because music is my saving grace! Its the glue that holds my together in time of crisis... Its how I get from one tough moment to the next... So getting the point...The song...
Its from my childhood...There are no lyrics to read so you have to watch the video...hope you enjoy...
I hope it bring a moment of peace to your heart as it does to mine...

Windsong & Dedication by James Horner ~


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